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Accessibility Statement

The concept of website accessibility is typically aligned to disabilities – visual, hearing, motor (fine movement) or cognitive (memory and thinking). However, any visitor has the potential to be impacted by accessibility issues – depending on their personal circumstances. For example, a person in a busy café viewing a website on their mobile will have different accessibility needs compared to a visitor using an older browser, working in sunny conditions or with a broken arm.


In building the caspianone.com website we have made accessibility a priority, from choosing which platforms to partner with, to design, page structure and content development (e.g., images, videos etc). We will continue to improve our digital footprint in view of greater accessibility for all. Examples of actions we’ve taken include:

  • Images all have alt attributes unless for purely decorative purposes and are clearly described with their function detailed. 

  • All pages have clear titles and sections are structured for clear navigation using headings based on importance; H1 to H4. 

  • We do not embed text into images required to convey meaning, only where use is purely decorative. 

  • Links are properly formatted to ensure visitors can find the purpose from the link’s text, e.g. “Visit our contact page” rather than just “click here”. 

  • Consideration is given to line spacing, text sizing and the reading experience of visitors at all times.

  • Our core colours are dark purple, white and light blue – providing options for clear, high contrast design. Consideration is given to the use of colour across the site and tested using Google Chrome's Developer Tools or Firefox's Accessibility Inspector. 

  • Video content (used for non-decorative purposes) is embedded from either YouTube or Vimeo, using the integrated close captioning features provided – enabling captions to be managed by visitors. 

  • Where audio is used (e.g., podcasts) we also include complete transcripts to help visitors with hearing impairments. 

  • Our website is built on the Squarespace platform. As such we benefit from accessibility features provided, including a built-in focus outline feature that highlights items on a page, including navigation links and form fields. This outline appears when visitors press the Tab key. 

  • Our website design is responsive, adapting to different users and devices. We also utilise custom code that changes a user's mobile or desktop experience (on specific site pages/sections).  

  • When using zoom/magnification tools the website adapts, ensuring all features remain functional; including 400% zoom where content reflows into a single column. 

  • The website can be fully used by keyboard-only visitors and is structured logically, top to bottom – including ‘breadcrumb’ links for easy navigation. 

  • In relation to making content understandable, our brand defined ‘voice’ uses plain English and short sentences. We avoid terminology that is less recognisable unless relevant to a specific topic (e.g., a type of technology), and explain any uncommon abbreviations or acronyms.  

  • These steps towards greater accessibility are in alignment with the WCAG 2.1 principles.


For more information on Caspian One’s approach to accessibility contact our Marketing division at marketing@caspianone.co.uk